
We started our seeds for our garden last week and we are hoping and praying for an abundant harvest!!

We. Planted. Everything. It feels like, haha! Well, I should say we planted everything that says to start indoors a few weeks before the last frost, and here in the Black Hills of South Dakota… you never, ever, ever truly know when that will be!

Last year our latest spring snow was May 1st and we just had a big heavy 6-8 inch snowstorm this last week and one this weekend over Easter! So to even think that summer is coming or that spring is actually here is quite laughable… when you live in SD. But we love it! We know eventually warmer weather will be here and everything will start blooming!

Our birds are beginning to hang around more and it’s even getting green out there! Even under 5 inches of this snow haha! It’s there, I promise! 

I checked on my rose bushes that my niece helped us plant last summer and they are alive! My strawberries from last year are sprouting up in the garden bed next to my kitchen and I’m getting the itch to plant all the things!! I wish it was warmer but I am thankful for all this moisture we are getting. The ground is soaking it right up and I know it’ll make for a happy garden.

We planted 5 different kinds of tomatoes, 3 different kinds of cucumbers, 2 different zucchini’s, spaghetti squash, 3 different peppers, every kind of lettuce imaginable, lavender… because it’s my favorite, blue pumpkins, and brussel sprouts. Yes I said brussel sprouts. They look like they grow cool, okay! 

We started with these and will get them started under our grow lights in the laundry room with our space heater going. I may get a heated mat to help keep them warm too but I’ll see how these next couple of weeks go.

We plan to plant this same amount straight into the soil around May when we plant these seedlings too. And most likely I’ll grab some plants that I couldn’t get my hands on earlier. Like sweet potatoes, ground cherries and anything else that might not have made it under the grow lights.

I really want to plant a lot of flowers and fruit bushes this summer! We have wild plums and chokecherry bushes all over the property and we actually planted some raspberry starters last summer. Fingers crossed they made it! But I want more berries! I got ten more strawberry plants to add to the few I have in the garden bed up at the house, and two big rhubarb plants that I plan to put by the home as well. Not sure where yet, but I needed them! We had rhubarb at our previous home and I just loved having it fresh on hand when I wanted it! Hopefully, it does well up here!

I’ll update as I go and as we start seeing the plants grow! 

I think that with all this covid-19 craziness happening, last weeks planting was really nice, nice to get our minds off of all the negative that floods our Facebook, tv and radio. It was quiet and peaceful to be planting and sowing seeds into damp smelling soil with my husband and planning for a great harvest. We were looking forward! Onto better and greater things. I’m excited to be getting out of this season and see newness and new life come forth. I know it takes time. But it was something I decided to put my mind on rather the negative at hand.

Sow something positive into your life today and make the most of it!

A. Bell

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